Go to any rock concert and you will see hundreds of teenagers wailing away on air guitar 到任何一个摇滚演唱会去,你都会看到数以百计的青少年起劲地做着模仿弹吉他的动作。
I still like to rock , still like to cruise in my camaro on saturday nights and still like to play the air guitar 我仍喜爱摇滚乐,在周六的夜晚开车我的敞篷车游荡,和弹奏气弦吉它。
At the air guitar world championships in finland , a japanese man outplayed other contestants , receiving a custom - made and very real electric guitar worth 3 , 400 dollars 芬兰的空气吉他世界锦标赛上,一名日本选手力压群雄,获得了一架货真价实的定制电子吉他,价值3 , 400美元。
At the air guitar world championships in finland , a japanese man outplayed other contestants , receiving a custom - made and very real electric guitar worth 3 , 400 dollars 在芬兰举行的世界空气吉他锦标赛上,一位日本男子击败了其他对手,赢得了一把特制的,真品电吉他,价值3400美元。
At the air guitar world championships in finland , a japanese man outplayed other contestants , receiving a custom - made and very real electric guitar worth 3 , 400 dollars 这是在芬兰举行的空气吉他世界杯,一名日本男人一举战胜其他对手获得一把货真价实的定制电吉他,价值3千4百美元。
At the air guitar world championships in finland , a japanese man outplayed other contestants , receiving a custom - made and very real electric guitar worth 3 , 400 dollars 在芬兰举行的世界空气吉他大奖赛上,一名日本选手胜出,赢得了一把以传统工艺制作的、货真价实的电子吉他,价值3400美元。
At the air guitar world championships in finland , a japanese man outplayed other contestants , receiving a custom - made and very real electric guitar worth 3 , 400 dollars 这是在芬兰举行的空气吉他世界杯,一名日本男人一举战胜其他对手获得一把货真价实的定制电吉他, (最好加上这把吉他,否则句子没有主语不完整)价值3千4百美元。
Winning this contest requires playing with air . as the air guitar world championships in finland , a japanese man outplayed other contestants , receiving a custom - made and very real electric guitar worth 3 , 400 dollars 想赢这场比赛得先会和空气玩耍.在芬兰举办的世界空气吉他大塞上,一个日本男子击败了其他参赛者,获得了一个定做的价值3 , 400美圆的真品电吉他